10 Tips to Create Facebook Ad Campaigns that Convert

Friday, June 14, 2019  |


Not getting the results expected from your Facebook Ad campaign?

Frustrated spending huge sums on Facebook Ads without returns?

You’re not alone! Many online entrepreneurs are investing a lot of their hard-earned money with the hope their Facebook Ad campaigns will bring results. Unfortunately, most people are not happy with the results of their campaigns.

Then what happens is they stop investing in Facebook Ads, by doing so it’s usually the wrong decision.

Instead of reducing or ceasing to invest in Facebook advertisements, what you need to do is to revise your STRATEGY.

Thankfully, there are few tweaks with which you can come out on top. These tips don’t require you to be an expert social media marketer. So, buckle up and read on.

Tips to Create A Strong Facebook Ad Campaign Strategy

Include Clear CTA Button in All Ads

That’s common sense right? We have found that most campaigns neglect this ‘common’ factor. Some of the quick-to-get-click CTAs are ‘Get it Now’, ‘Sign Up Now’, ‘Shop Now’ and so on. These kinds of CTAs can increase your conversion rates enormously.

Track Your Sales and Not Clicks

Obviously, you’ll be happy when you see 1000+ people have liked and shared your ads. But, is it going to bring you sales? Not necessarily, clicks and shares are vital to gain exposure to your ads. But, the ultimate goal of running an ad is to generate sales. Therefore, find out which of your ad campaigns are working. Instead of paying more to the whole Facebook ad campaign, figure out how much you’ve invested, which campaigns are successful, where your campaign is lacking, and where you can tweak your budgets, test, test and test some more to optimise each and every ad and campaign.

Speak More About Benefits

Your ad should clearly inform how it can help your audience.  Make sure you’ve listed all the features of your products. Create in them the desire to buy your product. Don’t hesitate to spend more time in determining how your targeted audience can benefit from it. Always use legible content so that your audience can read it easily and quickly.

Use Proper Background Colour

Find out which colour suits your message and industry the best. Choose your background colour wisely. Proper use of background colour helps you to convert cold traffic. Though often neglected, this is a vital part of your Facebook Ad campaign.  It can be wise to invest time in researching the right colours.

Optimise The Link Description of Your News Feed

Use news feed link descriptions to include additional information about your ad. You can add extra information about your product here. However, avoid adding any vital information here in the link description. Make the link description clear and simple.

Set a Specific Location

Generally, people make mistakes with this. For instance, if you run a local business, drill down the ad by setting preferences to your demography. This will bring local, genuine customers to your store. Resulting in increased sales. For every ad you run, ensure the following factors are selected correctly.

  • Demographic (age, gender, and so on)
  • Radius around your business
  • Zip code

Link Your Ad with a Campaign Landing Page

This Facebook Ad strategy will boost your conversion rate. When the audiences click on your ad, it should redirect them to your website’s landing page. As a result, they’ll get what they want. Consequently, your brand will gain more credibility. This builds the audience’s trust in your brand.

Trust is a vital factor to drive sales from Facebook Ads. When they trust you, they won’t hesitate to buy from you.

Experiment with Ad Placement

Split tests are the best way to find out where your ad should be placed. Don’t be afraid to experiment. It’s not always necessary to place your ad in the news feed right-column. Moreover, there’s no rule of thumb which states that it has to be placed in the news feed on desktop ads.

Rather, try out different ad placements. Determine where the ad placement is working and where it isn’t. You can run a placement report which also enables you to control your ad budget.

Keep Your Facebook Video Ad Short

What’s the ideal length of a Facebook video ad that tells its story efficiently? Facebook recommends 5-15 seconds is the best length to create video ads that get clicks although they’re allowing the ads to extend up to 31 seconds.

According to Facebook, “Shorter videos have higher view rates.” As such, the audiences can get your message quickly resulting in your a great sales boost.

Focus on Mobile-First

95% of Facebook users use mobiles. Moreover, if you create mobile Facebook video ads, then you’re likely to have low cpm and high engagement rates. So, consider mobile-first design. Check how your ad will appear on mobiles. Make sure your audiences are able to read the content easily from their mobile devices.

Wrapping Up

Consider all these factors mentioned while framing your Facebook Ad strategy. There are a host of software options available to make the process simple. If you need help optimising your social media marketing or Facebook Ad campaigns get in touch with our team, click on

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