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Omnichannel is the single most important word for any eCommerce business owner to know right now! If you are still struggling with multi-channel or even persisting with a single-channel e-commerce approach, it is time to leap omnichannel e-commerce. Ignore, pause or hesitate and you will simply l

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Google Core Web Vitals means that a sluggish, non-responsive website can no longer be ignored. Since June 2021 Google has been playing doctor and updated its algorithm with the Core Web Vitals a check consisting of three website vital signs. If you did know that your website would be having this

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In recent years, the e-commerce sector has gone from strength to strength, with the global events of 2020 transforming the eCommerce sector into a $26.7 trillion industry and almost a fifth of all retail sales. In this article, we round up 20 key e-commerce statistics for 2021. These remarka

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One of the best ways of boosting sales conversions online is to make it as easy as possible for your customers to pay you. Mobile payments and digital wallets are fast emerging as a leading method for completing online and offline transactions. In this short article, we will take you through the

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Customer returns affect e-commerce businesses more than traditional stores with the return rate being as high as 25% for goods purchased online compared to 8% for goods bought in-store. If you find you are fielding more customer returns than your business can endure, it’s well worth putting on

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You know the deal. After the outlay for a new website, expert Search Engine Optimization and a market-leading content strategy, your business still feels like it is stuck in neutral. Yes, you have way more traffic, but the conversion rates are as flat as a proverbial pancake. With all t

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If you have a maturing website with good traffic and an engaged audience you may be thinking about monetization of the site through selling products and services. Adding e-commerce capability to an existing website may sound complex. But you have a number of options available that can be used to

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We’re sure you have heard the words “unprecedented“ “pandemic” and “lockdown” more than anyone would like concerning 2020. But as we head in 2021, the impact of COVID-19 and its associated worldwide public health measures cannot be denied. Stay at home orders, homeworking and so

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With over a million online stores open for business on its proprietary platform, Shopify has built a strong reputation for itself as an accessible plug and play e-commerce solution. The Canadian based company delivers the key e-commerce components and functionality needed to establish a footing

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Show off the best of your brand with an Instagram Business Account. Instagram was certainly the social media success story of the 2010s and its runaway success has shown no signs of losing momentum. It's ingenious early adoption of the smartphone has meant that businesses and influencers that

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